Monday, May 5, 2008


"What can be written now to a modern world that hasn't already been written before?"

This is the question that permeates my mind as I begin this journey. I've decided to openly write to the world about Christian thought and philosophy. This is a major task for me. Centuries of thinkers and philosophers have already came and went before me. So, how can I, a humble man on the edge of this vast wilderness of ideas, possibly tell you something that you haven't already read or heard before?


I can't.

At least that is what my mind answers when I ask myself that question. However, I may surprise you, and myself and develop an idea that is absolutely new and radical, the Spirit may impart on me a bit of wisdom withheld until now. But, this is a big long shot, and I'm not going to put all my money on this possibility.

All I can offer you is insightful commentary and discussion on issues that I and quite possibly you will find interesting, insightful, and maybe even enlightening.

I've named my blog Epistles: Letters of Christian Thought. I wanted to convey to the world a lost art that the earliest Christians used in order to convey their thoughts to their world, the epistle. Yes, the epistle is just the letter, and yes of course you can view this blog as a series of letters, but to me it is much more. And I wish to welcome you on this journey with me.


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